Training Program in Marine Biotechnology

The Center for Marine Biotechnology and Biomedicine at Scripps Institution of Oceanography has led an NIH funded multidisciplinary Training Program in Marine Biotechnology (TPMB) for PhD graduate students since 2005. This National Institutes of General Medical Science program is designed to create a unique educational opportunity for PhD students with faculty from CMBB, the UC San Diego Schools of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Engineering, and its Basic Science departments. This program focuses on integrated class work, research, and practical experience within the university, at sea, and through partnerships with the biotechnology industry. The overall goal is to produce students with a broad education in marine science, medicine, and biotechnology that are ready to become leaders in this rapidly expanding field.

Marine biotechnology is an emerging field encompassing marine biomedicine (new pharmaceuticals discovery), molecular genetics and genomics, materials technology, bioremediation, marine biomedical model organisms, bioinformatics and much more. The fundamental enthusiasm for this discipline is clearly derived from the enormous biodiversity and genetic uniqueness of life in the sea. Many of these life forms, such as those that reside in the deep oceans, are poorly known. 

The mission of the TPMB is to prepare students for careers in marine biotechnology, be that in industry, academics, or government positions. The societal need for both basic and applied research in this area is enormous. Our broadly trained marine biotechnology students are among the top candidates to fill these positions, and they are in significant demand.

Summary of Outcomes of the program

  • Average time to doctoral degree = 5.4 years (n = 23)
  • Percentage of students successfully attaining PhD degree = 100% (23 of 23)
  • Average number of publications per student graduating with PhD degree = 4.9
  • Percentage of URM and students with disabilities in program = 28% (9 of 32)

For information on TPMB and how to apply, please contact Professor William Gerwick at


CMBB Division Director

Bradley Moore
Tel: 858-822-6650

NIGMS Banner for TPMB pages
NIGMS grant
Number 5T32GM067550-11